Summertime Activities



Okay, time for a confession.  When I was a kid, I LOVED summer reading assignments.  (I know, I’m a dork!)  The excitement of being challenged to read something that I might not pick up on my own.  Riding my bike to the bookmobile in the park near my house to pick out new books.  Recording the books that I had read in order to get my Pizza Hut gift card or discounted ticket to Six Flags…  Those memories are among my most cherished childhood memories.

So, in that spirit, Jenn and I (Amy) expanded on the idea of summer reading and came up with some summer activity challenges to keep you and your child going all summer.  Ready for more challenges?  Check out Amy’s Lego Challenges and Board Game Challenges.

Wishing everyone a fun, restful summer!

Love, Amy, and Jenn




Play I-spy on the road

Create a scavenger hunt with clues

Follow the instructions to make a favorite treat (or even slime!)

Read a short book but leave out the ending-then create a new ending

Draw a scene from a favorite book

Pick an animal and read a book or article about the animal. Share one new fact you learned.


Journal or blog for camp/vacation/experience

Create a YouTube or written review of a movie

Write a summer postcard to a friend

Take turns adding different parts to a story

Play our favorite board games:

  • Headbandz
  • Concept
  • Connections
  • Gnomes at Night
  • Taboo

Explain how to make something to an adult (like paper airplanes)

Have a debate about what you like better (chocolate or vanilla ice cream)


Write Letters/Words in the sand or dirt

Make up silly rhymes for words

Find items that begin with the sound ______

Create a hopscotch board with letters instead of numbers

Partner reading where a parent reads one page and the child reads another)

Acting out books with voices for the characters

Audiobooks for long car rides

Read a book and then watch the movie. Discuss the similarities and differences.


Fine Motor/Sensory Play

Build a macaroni tower

Lego project for the family

Learn to knit or crochet

Draw with Chalk on the street

Make a diorama of a favorite scene in a book or movie.

Use old boxes and markers to create sculptures

Have a sandcastle-building contest

Play with a tub of water beads

Hit the sprinklers! 

Play with water balloons


Social/Emotional Activities

Help a neighbor or relative

Learn a new board game

Play catch

Get together with a friend from school

Get together with a friend that you’ve known for most of your life

Get together with someone that you don’t know very well yet

Call a grandparent just to say hi

Read a book, and try to guess how the characters are feeling

Try something new (new restaurant, new food, new subway route, new playground…)

Write a thank-you note to someone

Get outside for a hike or bike ride