Posts Tagged ‘summer’

Hot Fun in the Summertime

Posted on: July 20th, 2021 by Amy Weber No Comments

We did it!  We made it to summer! 

After this past year, everyone deserves a break and a massive standing ovation.  This year, summer in New York City has a glimmer of normalcy – the parks are packed with kids and families, kids are going to sleep away camps, vacations are back on, and extended families are reuniting for the first time in 18-months.  

But not all kids and families breathe a sigh of relief during the summer.  The difference in pace and routine, and/or the anticipation of separation and rejoining peers groups after a year of quarantine send many kids (and adults!) into a swirl of anxiety that can be difficult to manage.  

Wondering what you can do to help your child cope with the summer?  Read on!

  1. Create a calendar.  I know, I know – it’s summer!  It’s time to take a break from schedules and calendars!  Some kids are able to navigate a lack of structure and thrive with surprises, but most are not.  Printing a blank calendar and writing (or drawing pictures) of what is going to happen each day can take the stress out of the slower summer pace.  For some kids, having “camp,” “home” or “vacation” on the calendar might be sufficient.  Other kids might want a reminder of what is going to happen at camp (field trip, special art project, etc.) each day.  If your child’s camp hasn’t shared that level of detail, ask them for a rough schedule.  Camps want kids to succeed, and they’ll be happy to work with you to support your child.

However you decide to spend your summer, I wish you lots of relaxation and cool breezes!