THANK YOU for teaching an old(ish) dog new tricks. Screen shares, green screens, and online games were all new to me. You opened up a world that I didn’t even know I would enjoy. Thank your patience and guidance as I stumbled through getting my materials to share or helping with my connectivity. I have learned a lot about technology. But most of all, I have learned that it is okay to be open to new things.
THANK YOU for your honesty when my activities or suggestions were lame. You kept me motivated to become more creative in order to keep you engaged and learning. Thank you for also letting me know when I had done well.
THANK YOU for letting me enter your world. I loved seeing your rooms, your favorite stuffed animal, and your pets. Pet, grandparent, and sibling appearances were a highlight.
THANK YOU for showing me and the adults around you what true resilience is. It didn’t matter how hard it was, you showed up. You logged in for every session even after a long day of remote school. When it was time to come in-person, you bravely wore your mask, got your temperature taken, and got right into the session. You were always aware of other people and making sure that you and the others around you were safe.
THANK YOU for showing me its okay to have a day of games, to hide under the table for a bit when things get hard, or to just have a conversation. You have shown me that it is okay to feel all the feels (anger, grief, sadness, relief, comfort) at one time. Sometimes we needed a session to let it out. We were always able to come back for the next session stronger.
THANK YOU for embracing the motto, “we can do hard things.” Adults often tell this to kids without remembering what it is like to have do hard things. You have shown us how to do it with resilience and compassion. As adults we made a lot of mistakes. Thank you for being patient with us and reminding us that yes, we ALL can do hard things.
THANK YOU: to your parents who sat with you when I couldn’t. Who made time for remote school, work, and then speech sessions. You are my superheroes.
And most of all, THANK YOU for making me a more skilled, more flexible, and more empathic therapist. One day, you will be in charge. If you handle the future like you have handled the pandemic, then the world is in good hands.