Freeze Dance!
Winter Camp Fun at Speak, Learn, & Play!
We have had a FANTASTIC winter break at Speak, Learn, & Play!
In Movement with Renee, we have been moving our bodies while working on self-regulation and managing personal space. We’ve played Musical Spots and Freeze Dance. We LOVED creating “VIP Lounges” inside the Body Band. We created Obstacle Courses and Scooter Relays. We also enjoyed Shadow Dances in the dark.
In Speech Groups with Jenn, we’ve been working on pragmatic language, conversational skills, and executive functioning skills. We worked in pairs on a MineCraft building activity with paper blocks. We read “Big Bad Bubble” and made a monster mural. We played a cooperative game – Engineering Ants. We played a speech/music game where we worked on following directions. And we LOVED playing Surprise Slides and Head Bands.
In Social Skills Groups with Amy, we practiced turning taking, sharing, negotiating, and having flexible ideas. We played Superheroes, and worked together to build a giant train track. We played with robots and used magnet tiles to build an evil lairs. We built walls out of playdough, and played with dolls. And we really loved played with the Playmobil circus, house, castle, and jail.
We also had some amazing read alouds this week – “Those Darn Squirrels,” “Those Darn Squirrels and the Cat Next Door,” and “The Day the Crayons Came Home.”
Thank you so much for sharing the week with us!
Amy, Jenn, and Renee

Engineering Ants

Surprise slides.